Most Frequently Asked Questions About Fairy Tale Matchmaking

Lovers embraced on pier.

What is Fairy Tale Matchmaking?

As one of the most well-established high-end matchmaking services in Hong Kong and globally, Fairy Tale Matchmaking has been offering the best in personalised matchmaking and dating services exclusively for upscale singles for over 33 years. Hundreds of our former members are now happily married or in a long-term relationship. Since our establishment in 1990, we have expanded to include relationship experts, image consultants and life coaches.

Where are your clients from?

Fairy Tale Matchmaking caters to both local and international clients, with the majority residing in Hong Kong. Our clienteles comprise of thousands of quality single professionals around the world who come from different backgrounds. They include doctors, lawyers, professors, entrepreneurs, etc.

What are your members seeking?

Our clients are seeking other professionals for friendship, a long-term relationship or possible marriage.

Do you verify your clients?

Each of our clients has been personally interviewed by us and must meet our criteria – decent, upscale professionals who are who they say they are. Our screening process provides you with assurance that you would not get in any other form of dating.

Is my information kept private and confidential?

Your information is safe with us. It is kept on a very restrictive basis and can only be viewed by a compatible client once we have received your approval. We do not post or broadcast your information online. We at Fairy Tale Matchmaking take discretion very seriously and understand how important it is to keep your personal life private.

I’m very busy, how will I find the time to go on dates?

Our personalised matchmaking service was built for busy professionals. We do all the legwork and you enjoy the dates.

Would you be able to find matches based on specific religious or cultural backgrounds?

Yes, our members come from diverse backgrounds. Part of our matchmaking process is ensuring that your matches are compatible in terms of religion, culture and values.

What is the cost of your service?

Fairy Tale Matchmaking charges a nominal, all-inclusive membership fee. Please schedule a pressure-free, obligation-free consultation to receive a quotation and discuss how we can help you.